Weakly-supervised Segmentation

  • Using web data for semantic segmentation:

    • [1]: crawl web images with white background and generate composite images to initialize segmentation network

    • [2]: train a segmentation network using web data to obtain rough segmentation mask

  • image-level semantic/instance segmentation: [9] [10] [11]

  • box-level semantic/instance segmentation: [3] [4] [5] [6]

  • scribble/point-level semantic segmentaiton: [7] [8] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]


[1] Bin Jin, Maria V. Ortiz Segovia, Sabine Süsstrunk:
Webly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. CVPR 2017.

[2] Tong Shen, Guosheng Lin, Chunhua Shen, Ian D. Reid:
Bootstrapping the Performance of Webly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. CVPR 2018.

[3] Dai, Jifeng, Kaiming He, and Jian Sun. “Boxsup: Exploiting bounding boxes to supervise convolutional networks for semantic segmentation.” ICCV, 2015.

[4] Khoreva, Anna, et al. “Simple does it: Weakly supervised instance and semantic segmentation.” CVPR, 2017.

[5] Ahn, Jiwoon, Sunghyun Cho, and Suha Kwak. “Weakly Supervised Learning of Instance Segmentation with Inter-pixel Relations.” CVPR, 2019.

[6] Hsu, Cheng-Chun, et al. “Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation using the Bounding Box Tightness Prior.” NeurIPS. 2019.

[7] Lin, Di, et al. “Scribblesup: Scribble-supervised convolutional networks for semantic segmentation.” CVPR, 2016.

[8] Bearman, Amy, et al. “What’s the point: Semantic segmentation with point supervision.” ECCV, 2016.

[9] Zhu, Yi, et al. “Learning instance activation maps for weakly supervised instance segmentation.” CVPR, 2019.

[10] Wang, Xiang, et al. “Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Iterative Affinity Learning.” International Journal of Computer Vision (2020): 1-14.

[11] Jo, Sanhyun, and In-Jae Yu. “Puzzle-CAM: Improved localization via matching partial and full features.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.11253 (2021).

[12] Tang, Meng, et al. “Normalized cut loss for weakly-supervised cnn segmentation.” CVPR, 2018.

[13] Tang, Meng, et al. “On regularized losses for weakly-supervised cnn segmentation.” ECCV, 2018.

[14] Marin, Dmitrii, et al. “Beyond gradient descent for regularized segmentation losses.” CVPR, 2019.

[15] Wang, Bin, et al. “Boundary perception guidance: A scribble-supervised semantic segmentation approach.” IJCAI, 2019.

[16] Pan, Zhiyi, et al. “Scribble-supervised semantic segmentation by uncertainty reduction on neural representation and self-supervision on neural eigenspace.” ICCV, 2021.

[17] Xu, Jingshan, et al. “Scribble-supervised semantic segmentation inference.” ICCV, 2021.

[18] Chen, Hongjun, et al. “Seminar learning for click-level weakly supervised semantic segmentation.” Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021.

[19] Liang, Zhiyuan, et al. “Tree energy loss: Towards sparsely annotated semantic segmentation.” Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2022.