Forecast Future based on One Still Image

  1. Predict visual feature of one future frame [1]

  2. Predict optical flow of one future frame [2]

  3. Predict one future frame [4] (a special case of video prediction)

  4. Predict future trajectories [5]

  5. Predict optical flows of future frames, and then obtain future frames [3]


  1. Vondrick, Carl, Hamed Pirsiavash, and Antonio Torralba. “Anticipating visual representations from unlabeled video.” CVPR, 2016.

  2. Gao, Ruohan, Bo Xiong, and Kristen Grauman. “Im2flow: Motion hallucination from static images for action recognition.” CVPR, 2018.

  3. Li, Yijun, et al. “Flow-grounded spatial-temporal video prediction from still images.” ECCV, 2018.

  4. Xue, Tianfan, et al. “Visual dynamics: Probabilistic future frame synthesis via cross convolutional networks.” NIPS, 2016.

  5. Walker, Jacob, et al. “An uncertain future: Forecasting from static images using variational autoencoders.” ECCV, 2016.