Watermark Removal

  • watermark removal: ICA [4], inpainting [5]

  • watermarks consistent across a collection of images: multi-image matting and reconstruction [3]

  • Survey papers on watermarking: [1] [2]


  1. Podilchuk, Christine I., and Edward J. Delp. “Digital watermarking: algorithms and applications.” IEEE signal processing Magazine 18.4 (2001): 33-46.
  2. Potdar, Vidyasagar M., Song Han, and Elizabeth Chang. “A survey of digital image watermarking techniques.” INDIN’05. 2005 3rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2005.. IEEE, 2005.
  3. Dekel, Tali, et al. “On the effectiveness of visible watermarks.” CVPR, 2017.