
Fundamental Stuff:

  1. Caffe Tutorial
  2. Caffe Official Slides

Key Notes:

Required Packages:

  1. CUDA

  2. OpenCV

  3. BLAS: (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)
    operations like matrix multiplication, matrix addition,
    both implementation for CPU(cBLAS) and GPU(cuBLAS).
    provided by MKL(INTEL), ATLAS, openBLAS, etc.

  4. Boost: a c++ library, use some of its math functions and shared_pointer.

  5. glog,gflags:provide logging & command line utilities. Essential for debugging.

  6. leveldblmdb: database io for your program. Need to know this for preparing your own data.

  7. protobuf: an efficient and flexible way to define data structure. Need to know this for defining new layers.